
Introductory Holiday Offer
$250 Off of Retail Prices
thru December 31st, 2024
Sale Prices Are Shown Below
You love pool.
We do too!
It’s a great, life-long game.
Sometimes, when you rack the balls
and break, you get different results
from the previous break.
You might just chalk it up
(pun intended!)
to just hitting the 1-ball a bit off center.
There MIGHT be
something else going on.
If the rack is a little off location,
or twisted the smallest amount,
the balls are going to react
differently on each break.
With your “Nice Break”
Laser Aligned Rack
you’ll receive three small targets
for the lasers to hit, and a way
to position them accurately.
They tuck under the bumper
completely out of the way.
Plus, you won’t need to
modify your table in any way.
Once the rack location is no longer
a factor in your break,
you can work on honing your
breaking skills, not your racking skills.
Because we all know the break is
the most important shot of the game.
Almost like a separate game in itself.
A fun game we’ve started playing is
to locate the rack with the
lasers turned off.
Walk to the side of the table,
if it helps you line the rack up.
Use any sight-line trick you know of.
When you believe you have it perfectly
lined up, turn on the lasers.
If you’re like us, you’ll be surprised!
Thanks for checking us out!
I can’t wait until your friends say
“Nice Break!”
* Click Here to
Read About The Nice Break System *
* Click Here to See How It Works *
Introductory Holiday Offer
$250 Off of Retail Prices
thru December 31st, 2024
Sale Prices Are Shown Below
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